“I have worked on Oncology Wards at the Mater Private Hospital in Brisbane and have nursed many patients during my time overseas, I want to help add value to your Quality of Life and offer my support during this time of challenge. I have had a family pass away from Cancer, and have witnessed many friends, and Yoga Teachers in my Training Programs utilize what they learn on the Yoga Mat to help them, so this area is dear to my heart.”

i remember my first experience of giving CPR to someone. i remember witnessing my first death and how challenging it was to process this in a way that i could still do a good job as a nurse.  

losing someone or a pet, or something you love can be traumatic. 

feeling lonely or fear of loss can be one of the most debilitating emotions we experience. 

using mindfulness based techniques, fear of the unknown can be worked with in a that we can live the precious moments we have & yet feel what we have to feel in order to heal. 

If there is one word that you can guide your mind to focus on – let it be “quality” 

mindfulness has a way of helping us reduce or resolve pain, to change our perspective for the better so we can “take in the good” & feel pleasure from the simplest of things. 

this isn’t airy fairy – this is understanding how the brain works & the value of learning how to regulate our nervous system to manage what we are feeling. 


Who is this for ?

  • Those who have received a diagnosis
  • Loved ones of someone with cancer
  • Allied Health Professionals or Carers who wish to develop skills in this area

Cancer is a life changing event where the person diagnosed will have an array of overwhelming feelings such as anxiety, shock, grief and loss, anger, confusion & stress to say the least.

Mindfulness Based Interventions can offer ways to manage overwhelming feelings, build resilience and new neural pathways to help move someone from fight, flight, freeze, please mode to a more healing state. It can help with Nervous System regulation, pain management, decision making and learning to skilfully handle the uncertainty that often arises.

Evidence has shown that Mindfulness can help with feelings of fatigue, and has relevance in the areas of decreasing inflammation, emotional distress and reduction of cognitive impairment and strengthening brain connectivity.

I have also trained Allied Health Professionals who wish to contribute to this area. Some of which who have gone onto create their own programs or written books to support their Cancer Patients.



Four to Eight Session Programs to help with any of the areas listed above.

These sessions include recorded practices to take home for relaxation, pain management, anxiety management & key areas relevant to areas of challenge.


Four to Eight Session Programs to help with any of the areas listed above.

These sessions include recorded practices to take home for relaxation, anxiety management & key areas relevant to areas of challenge.


Contact for various levels of Training & Support ranging from Full Certification in Mindfulness Meditation Teaching and Introductory Programs to further skills in threading Mindfulness in your current role to support your patients or clients.

“Love in a way that your love will live on, long after you are gone"
~ Michael Lunig

    Areas These Programs Can Help With