You are currently viewing An inspirational story & tribute below about Koady from The East Pointers about thriving  with a mental health condition & overcoming addiction.

An inspirational story & tribute below about Koady from The East Pointers about thriving with a mental health condition & overcoming addiction.

Working for many years as a Clinician using Mindfulness & Yoga as Therapy to help people find relief & overcome the obstacles of addiction (not just drugs or alcohol but the impact of the place where their mind dwells) ….
I have grown to respect more & more each day just how challenging it is to win these battles. Not only to thrive despite the condition but to thrive despite the stigma (or innocent lack of understanding about these conditions) hence the share

Thankyou Koady & The East Pointers and a shout out to those who are out there sharing their talents (what ever they are) while simultaneously fighting the battle of the mind in some way
And a shout out to those who raise awareness to help lift the stigma & raise the level of respect & gratitude for great souls who are out their battling and giving us joy through their love of what they do.

(Tribute below from East Pointers)

Namaste 🙏

It’s #BellLetsTalk day, and we want to share Koady’s story. Three weeks ago, Koady’s heart failed after an ascending aortic aneurysm. It was sudden and unexpected, and a shock to us all.

Koady fought the battle against mental health every day, and would want you all to know that it didn’t win.

He lived (and eventually thrived) with a bi-polar diagnosis, and was an inspiration to us all. He had found strength in sobriety, was at his creative peak in music, and radiated love for his wife, family and many many friends. He had come such a long way over the past 8 years, and really did seem his best version of himself those last few weeks.

Koady’s final performance on a stage was narrating ‘A Christmas Carol’ in December. He joked about his younger self who wouldn’t say a word onstage…”look at the kid with a lisp now, narrating A Christmas Carol onstage at the Confederation Center.” We were so proud of him, and always will be.

He was always there to lend an ear, and share his story to anyone who he thought he could help. He encouraged us all to talk about our feelings, reach out to loved ones, and not be ashamed to ask for help if you need it.

Always remember that you are loved, for who you are, and never alone ❤
-Jake and Tim, with Koady in spirit

ps. He ended up winning his fantasy football league, a week later, which he would have been thrilled (and very boastful) about.

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